Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I am here

I finally got my internet working enough to post. I made it to Baghdad on the 22nd after a 3hr flight from Qatar on a C-130. We had 56 soldiers and 2 pallets on the flight. We taxied around for about 45 minutes in 112 degree temps before we took off. It must have been 120 inside the aircraft. I am pretty sure I lost atleast 5lbs on the flight.
When we landed at Baghdad Col Petrocco picked me up. We went to the AF camp near the terminal and ate dinner. After that I sat around for a few hours and tried to catch a flight to Taji. I finally gave up because the helos weren't flying much due to a dust storm. I finally got a flight out the following night.
I landed at Taji around 2300 and was met by the guy I was replacing. It is really nice here IMO. I have my own room with slow internet and AFN that doesn't work.
Work is busy but, not so busy you can't keep up. We are getting into Shamal season. That means winds from the north and dust storms until about September. It should make time go buy fast.
I am going to go ahead and end this post before my internet cuts out and I lose it. I will try to keep updating this thing when I get a chance. I am going to try to add a few pictures. I have only taken like 3 or 4 so far. Nevermind, the pics won't upload and I am getting sleepy.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Steven
    Glad you made it alright. Boy the sand storms are horrible! Hope all is well.
